Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to Make Beurre Blanc as The Classic French Sauce

Sauce Knowledge: Beurre Blanc

What is Beurre Blanc?

  • It is an emulsified cold butter and reduction of white wine, vinegar, and shallots.
  • Beurre blanc means is a white butter sauce
  • A small amount of reduced heavy cream is occasionally added to stabilize the emulsion.
  • The cold butter is whisked or stirred off the heat to prevent separation. 
  • This sauce is perfect for fish and seafood dishes such as grilled salmon, broiled lobster, pan-fried sea bass, etc.
  • The name of derivative Berrue blanc depends on the garnish you add
  • Beurre blanc is originated in the 1890s in the city of Nantes, situated on the Loire river in the western part of France close to the Atlantic coast.

Beurre Blanc Sauce
Beurre Blanc Sauce

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How to Make Beurre Blanc Sauce


  • 1 cup. White wine
  • 1/2 cup. White wine vinegar
  • 1/2 cup. Heavy cream as a stabilizer (additional)
  • 1 tablespoon. Chopped shallot
  • 1 lb. Butter
  • To taste. Salt and white pepper


  • Preheat a saucepan
  • Place shallot, vinegar, and wine in a saucepan. 
  • Reduce the liquid until 3-5 tablespoons.
  • Pour the cream to the reduction and reduce until heavy cream is thick
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat. 
  • Add the cold butter cubes to the reduction, one or two at a time, and whisk rapidly until it has melted into the sauce.
  • Season it with salt and pepper.
  • Strain the sauce through the strainer.
  • Serve immediately.


  • The texture of Beurre blanc should be thick, smooth, creamy, and velvety
  • Traditionally, shallots must be strained before serving, it's optional in a modern way.

Breurre Blanc
The Texture of  Breurre Blanc
Thick, Smooth, Creamy, and Velvety

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Beurre Blanc Derivatives

  • Safron Beurre Blanc: Beurre blanc + safron.
  • Caviar Beurre Blanc: Beurre blanc + caviar.
  • Lemon Beurre Blanc: Beurre blanc + lemon juice + lemon zest.
  • Herbs Beurre Blanc: Beurre blanc + chopped herb.
  • Paprika Beurre Blanc: Beurre blanc + paprika powder + garnish with brunoise paprika.
  • Beurre Rouge: Beurre blanc + red wine reduction.
  • Chive Beurre Blanc: Beurre blanc + cayenne pepper powder + chopped chives.

Saffron Beurre Blanc Sauce
Saffron Beurre Blanc Sauce

Read: Thick Soup

Beurre Blanc Tips

  • The wines for the reduction such as Chablis, Sauvignon blanc, or Chardonnay, etc.
  • If the texture of the sauce is too thin, the emulsion has broken, maybe your butter wasn't cold enough or you added the butter cubes too quickly.
  • If that happens, take it off the heat and whisk in a few chips of ice until the emulsion comes back together.

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