Monday, December 16, 2019

4 Types of Mixing Method For Pastry Product

Pastry Bakery Knowledge: Mixing Method

What is Mixing in Culinary?

  • Mixing is the process of combining two or more ingredients are spread evenly to each other until they become one final product, The final product consists of several elements such as homogeneity, texture, temperature, taste, flavor, and structure.
  • The technique of mixing can be stirring, beating, binding, kneading, stirring, whipping, and folding. 
  • There are 4 types of mixing method, each mixing method gives a different texture and character to the pastry product.
  • Tools used for mixing such as balloon whisk, spoons, mixers, blenders, etc.

Mixing Method
Mixing Method

Types of Mixing Method

  1. Straight Mixing Method
  2. Creaming Mixing Method
  3. Rubbing Mixing Method
  4. Foaming Mixing Method

Mixing Method
Mixing Method
Straight, Creaming, Rubbing and Foaming Method

1. Straight Mixing Method

  • All ingredients combined at once
  • Well-method variation for quick bread.
  • E.g. Pancake, Scone, Cornbread, Muffin, Waffle, etc

Straight Method

  • Sift dry ingredients together
  • Combine all liquid ingredients in a bowl
  • Add wet to the dry 
  • Scale batter or dough into/on an appropriate pan
  • Bake or cook 

Straight Mixing Method
Straight Mixing Method
Read: 5 Most Common of Pastry Dough

Quick Bread

Straight Method 

  • It is a method of mixing ingredients where the wet ingredients are folded into the dry ingredients very gently using a spatula. 
  • The ingredients are mixed just enough to combine. 
  • Over mixing will develop the gluten too much which in turn results in a tough and flat final product.


Straight Method 

  • The usual method for making muffins involves mixing together all dry ingredients and then pour the wet ingredients/ liquid ingredients (including fats; melted butter or oil) on top of the dried ingredients. 
  • Do not stir, just fold them gently together, just enough so that the dry ingredients are incorporated.
  • Scoop the batter onto a greased lined muffin tin.
  • Bake in the oven

Straight Mixing Method Product
Straight Mixing Method Product
Scones, Pancakes, & Muffin

2. Creaming Mixing Method

  • Fat and sugar are creamed
  • Eggs slowly added 
  • Sift dried ingredients together 
  • Dry and liquid ingredients are added alternately
  • Beating or mixing the butter and sugar to help a consistent texture and crumb
  • Features mechanical leavening: Chemical leavening may also be used
  • All ingredients must be at room temperature
  • Potential for over-mixing: Development of too much gluten
  • The creaming method is the most used method for butter cakes, pound cakes, and most cookies.

Creaming Method

  • Cream fat and sugar together
  • Add flavorings, mix well
  • Gradually add eggs
  • Add liquid alternating with dry ingredients
  • Mix until smooth (do not over-mix)
  • Scale batter into pans
  • Bake or cook the batter
Creaming Mixing Method
Creaming Mixing Method


Creaming Method

  • Soften the butter using a mixer.
  • Add sugar and cream the mixture.
  • Add the cream with the eggs in batches until fully incorporated.
  • In the last steps, add the flour all at once and beat just enough to bind the ingredients together.

Creaming Mixing Method Product
Creaming Mixing Method Product
Butter Cake, Cookies, and Pound Cake

3. Rubbing Mixing Method

  • Cold fat and flour are worked together
  • Cold liquids added to bring the dough together
  • Light kneading may occur: (Do Not over mix–will form too much gluten).
  • E.g. Pie, Tart, Shortcrust Pastry, etc. 

Rubbing Method

  • Sift dry ingredients 
  • Toss the cut-up fat (cold) with flour mixture
  • Cut in the fat 
  • Add just enough ice-cold water to moisten the dough so it will hold together
  • Knead two or three times to pull into a ball 
  • Refrigerate for 20 minutes
  • Scale and roll as appropriate

Rubbing Method
Rubbing Method


Rubbing Method

  • Sift the flour.
  • Soften the fat and put it in the middle of the flour.
  • Add sugar.
  • Combine sugar properly with the fat.
  • Add eggs to the fat and sugar.
  • Using the fingertips, pinch and work the sugar, butter, and egg together until well blended.
  • Mix all the flour and the mixture to bind the mixture together.
  • Knead until smooth, to ensure all ingredients are well mixed, and wrap the dough in plastic wrap until further use.

Sablage/ Tart 

Rubbing Method

  • Sift flour.
  • Cut cold butter into chunks.
  • Rub the fat into the flour until a sand-like texture is achieved. and make a well
  • Mix salt and sugar into water add to the well.
  • Add as much water as necessary.
  • Mix and knead to ensure ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  • Cover the dough in plastic wrap until further use.

Rubbing Mixing Method Product
Rubbing Mixing Method Product
Pie, Shortcrust Pastry, Tart

4. Foaming Mixing Method

  • Beaten eggs and sugar
  • Sifted dry ingredients 
  • Melted fat 
  • Almost exclusively mechanical leavening
  • Potential for over mixing and toughening
  • E.g. Meringue, Macaron, Cuillere Biscuit, and sponge cake

Foaming Method

  • Combine sugar and butter in the mixer
  • Mix and beat until foaming (hard peak)
  • Turn off the mixer
  • Add melted butter slowly, and fold
  • Add flour and fold until the mixture fully incorporated

Foaming Method
Foaming Method

Types of Peak
Types of Peak

Cuillere Biscui

Foaming Method

  • Beat egg whites and sugar to stiff peak.
  • Fold in the sifted flour and the egg whites, alternating between the two, and finish by adding the egg whites at the very end to maximize volume.


Foaming Method

  • Whipped egg whites with sugar and flavorings – be careful of over whipping
  • May include starch or ground nuts as an additional binder
  • Short working life
  • Treatment with acid (lemon or cream of tartar) or salt will aid in whipping by making proteins stronger
  • Room temperature egg whites whip easier
  • VERY clean bowl & utensils (wipe the bowl with lemon juice or vinegar and rinse to make sure there is no fat residue or impurities)

Classic Sponge Cake Recipe

Foaming Method

  • 225 grams. Cake Flour
  • 225 grams. Butter, at room temperature
  • 225 grams. Sugar
  • 4. Whole eggs
  • 1 teaspoon. Baking powder (additional)

Sponge Cake Recipe

Foaming Method

  • 225 grams. Cake Flour
  • 225 grams. Butter, at room temperature
  • 225 grams. Sugar
  • 4. Whole eggs
  • 1 teaspoon. Baking powder (additional recipe).

Foaming Mixing
Foaming Mixing Method Product
Biscuit Cuillere, Macarons, and Sponge Cake

Read: How To Create Canapes

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    1 comment:

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