Monday, December 30, 2019

What is Cake Decoration in Culinary

Pastry Bakery Knowledge: Cake Decoration

What is Cake Decorating?

  • Cake decorating is one of the sugar arts that uses icing, frosting, filling, topping, glazing, and other edible decorative elements to make plain cakes more visually interesting.
  • Alternatively, cakes can be molded, cut, and sculpted to resemble three-dimensional persons, places, and things.
  • Decorating a cake usually involves covering, glazing, it with some form of icing, and then using decorative sugar, candy, chocolate, or icing decorations to embellish the cake.  
  • It can be as simple as sprinkling a fine coat of icing sugar or drizzling a glossy blanket of glaze over the top of a cake.

Cake Decoration
Cake Decoration

Read: The Famous List of Bread Types and Their Description

Cake Decoration Characteristic

  • Sculpting/ Molding: sculpt or molding the cake or other pastry products into shapes such as round, oval, square, shoes, pillows, animals, or even people, etc.
  • Icing: Coat the cake with icing sugar, royal icing, or any type of sugar decorating 
  • Glazing: Cover the cake with a glossy glaze that is made from white chocolate or gelatin 
  • Piping: Pipe the cake with buttercream, whipped cream, meringue, etc.
  • Covering: Cover the cake with marzipan, fondant, or American roll buttercream
  • Coating: Coat cake with ganache, mirror glace, etc. 
  • Brushing: Brush or paint the cake with edible paint

5 kinds of Cake Decorating

  1. Filling
  2. Frosting
  3. Topping
  4. Glazing
  5. Icing

Cake Decorating
Kinds of Cake Decorating
Read: 9 Types of Breakfast

1. Filling

  • A filling is any substance inside of the cakes or any pastry product (a filling inside a cinnamon roll, a filling inside a pie).
  • Anything between layers of cake is a filling such as a layer of jam, ganache, whipped cream, buttercream, cream cheese, or fruits.

2. Frosting

  • It is made from sugar, butter, milk, cream, and sometimes egg whites and is often flavored with extracts, chocolate, and/or fresh fruit. 
  • Some frostings are cooked, but most are uncooked and whipped together using a whisk or mixer. 
  • The consistency can range from a thin glaze to a thick spread.
  • E.g. Buttercream, Whipped cream, Cream cheese, etc.  

3. Topping

  • In general, things on the top of a cake are called toppings, in the same way, that things on the top of a pizza are called toppings, but that usually doesn't count the frosting or icing or glaze.
  • E.g. Fruit, Nuts, Crumble, Chocolate chips, Shredded chocolate, Grated cheese, Meses/ hegelslag 

4. Glazing

  • A sweet glaze used to cover or decorate baked goods like cookies or cake.
  • To make a surface of the cake shiny by putting a liquid substance onto it and leaving it or heating it until it dries 
  • E.g. White chocolate base, Dark chocolate base, gelatin, etc.

5. Icing

  • A sweet, creamy spread, as of confectioners' sugar, butter, and flavoring, for covering cakes, cookies,
  • A sweet coating for baked goods (as cakes)
  • E.g. Royal icing, icing sugar, etc. 

Types of Cake Decorating

  1. Meringue
  2. American Buttercream
  3. Italian Buttercream 
  4. Swiss Buttercream
  5. French Buttercream
  6. Buttercream-Rolled
  7. Whipped Cream
  8. Mousse Base
  9. Cream Cheese
  10. Pastry Cream/ Custard
  11. Fondant- Rolled  
  12. Fondant- Poured
  13. Marzipan
  14. Ganache
  15. Glazed - Mirror glaze
  16. Royal Icing

Cake Building

Cake Building Component

  1. Cake
  2. Filling
  3. Icing/ Frosting
  4. Topping

1. Cake

  • Prepare and make a sponge cake
  • Cut and splitting a cake into two or three equal layers

Cake Preparation
Prepare and Cut the cake

Read: 10 Types of Compound Butter to Enrich Your Dishes

2. Filling

  • Wet the sponge cake with flavored simple syrup (be sure to use enough)
  • Spread the filling on the first layer 
  • Add a second layer of cake
  • Repeat the procedure for the next layer
  • Finish with a layer of syrup-soaked cake
  • E.e. Buttercream, Cream cheese, or Whipped cream, etc.

Cake Filling
Fill The Cake
Read: How To Create Canapes

3. Icing/ Frosting

  • Place a large amount of icing on top of the cake
  • Spread the icing over the top and just to the edge
  • Using the icing hanging off of the top, start spreading icing on the sides of the cake
  • Repeat until the cake is completely covered and smooth
  • Finish as desired
  • E.g. Buttercream, Cream cheese, or Whipped cream, etc.

Icing / Frosting
Read: 10 Types of Amuse-Bouche as Chef's Complimentary

4. Topping

  • Garnish with fruit, chocolate chips, crumble, shredded chocolate, meses/ hegelslag (chocolate sprinkle), grated cheese, or nuts, etc.

Cake Topping
Kinds of Topping
Fruit, Grated cheese, Shredded Chocolate


  1. When you first start out learning how to decorate a cake you should use store bought box mixes as the foundation of your designs.
    Cake Shop in Chennai

  2. Wonderful cake recipe. Yummylicious cake.....I will try this recipe tonight but i am also impressed with BIRTHDAY CAKE SPARKLERS
